Jan 10, 2023 | Back Care, Beginners Pilates, Events, News, Pilates, pilatesinhitchin, Pod Team, Special Offers
Edge back into fitness and make YOU a priority this 2023 with our “Taste of Pilates” between 23rd January -5th February. Choose 2 classes to taster – during our 2 week taster period – for just £22. PLUS you can enjoy a taste of 1:1 private...
Nov 17, 2022 | Beginners Pilates, Blog, Community, News, Online classes and 1:1s, Pilates, Special Offers
Supporting small businesses like ours on Friday 25th November… Last year, Holly & Co launched Colour Friday to kickstart a retail revolution for Christmas shoppers. So rather than taking part in the mass consumption of Black Friday, they encouraged the nation to...
Aug 16, 2022 | Beginners Pilates, Blog, Fitness, News, Pilates, Pilates for Men, pilatesinhitchin
people doing Pilates Have you ever felt pumped up, motivated, and booked into a hardcore intensity fitness class? But on the day of the class, you wish you were doing some stretches and meditation instead? Or the only basic class you can attend on the timetable is...
Jun 22, 2022 | Art, Birthday, mental health, News, Pilates Made Me Do It, pilatesinhitchin
It hardly seems possible, but on the 5th July, The Pilates Pod turns 11 years old! Every year in business is something to celebrate – and this year we’re celebrating by putting on some relaxing, mindful and reflective activities for you to enjoy. Our...
Mar 4, 2022 | Jobs, mental health, News, Pilates jobs, Pod Team, SME
working wellbeing The Pilates Pod has always been at the front running for workplace wellbeing. Over our (nearly) 11 years in business, we have seen team members join us for various reasons. They often include wanting to be part of a smaller company that cares or not...