Jun 1, 2021 | Blog, Community, Coronavirus, Michelle's Musings, News, Pilates, pilatesinhitchin, Pod Team
Do you know the story about the tortoise and the hare? That’s what it feels like to be a small business. The big giants, the likes of Amazon, Google, Primark, Bannatynes Gym, feel like the hares. Building business empires fast, with vast pots of cash, huge...
May 27, 2021 | Coronavirus, News, Pilates, Pilates Made Me Do It, Pod Team, Press and Media
We were absolutely thrilled to be selected by Visa as an example of high-street businesses who have adapted the way they do things to cope with the Covid-19 lockdown. It’s been a hugely tough year for small businesses. Trying to juggle home schooling with full...
Apr 11, 2021 | Blog, Michelle's Musings, News, SME
When I was at school, the career’s officer came in to talk about what we wanted to be when we were older. My friends were busy chatting through options to be a vet, doctor or school teacher, whilst the man nodded away happily at their choices. It came to my turn...