From the 7th – 11th October 2019, we’ll be getting behind Back Care Awareness Week, a campaign created by plus on the 9th October, it’s World Spine Day!
We’ll be sharing loads of hints, tip and real-life stories, highlighting the importance of back-care, and inspiring you with loads of simple, effective ways to look after your own back.
So why do we care about Back Care Awareness Week?
If you’ve never had any issues with your back, then GREAT. You really don’t want them. This page is dedicated to back care, whether you have back problems and are trying to get them sorted, or are looking to prevent back pain becoming an issue in the future.
Remember, you only have one back – one spine – so it’s worth looking after as it contains your spinal column and all of the nerves. The nerves feed your vital organs like your bladder, your bowel, and all of your sexual function, as well as your limbs – and every part of your body.
Check out a some eye opening stats about back pain…
Bookmark this page, and keep an eye on our Instagram and Facebook pages in the coming days.