Staff Changes
- Clair will no longer appear as a regular on the teaching schedule. Clair has made the personal decision to step back her teaching but will still be popping back in for cover work from time to time.
- Dawn will no longer be available for a regular Saturday slot. Dawn has made the decision to teach on Wednesdays only but has extended her times.
- Fiona is changing her hours slightly to accommodate times that are more in demand. We thank Fiona immensely for her adjustments and understanding of the business and client needs. Fiona is now 3 years post qualified and is a key member of the teaching time with many a recommendation, if you’ve not tried a session with her before.
- Michelle is now additionally available for a few extra sessions on a Friday morning.
- Ellen is moving from her employed role as Teacher and Mentor, to a freelance teaching role. Ellen has made this decision for personal reasons but will still feature on the teaching team regularly all week.
- Lisanne is available only at the following times on the desk for your help, email and phone call assistance. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday first thing morning. Tuesday afternoon from remote email only. Michelle and Fiona are also available for admin support outside of when they may not be teaching but cannot be guaranteed.
Group Timetable from September
** Denotes group sessions that have space available, if you would like to get a regular time slot.
- Mondays 9.30am Foundational Level – Fiona **
- Mondays 6.15pm Open Level – Fiona
- Tuesdays 9.30am Open Level – Michelle
- Wednesdays 9.30am Open Level – Ellen
- Wednesdays 7.00pm Foundational Level – Fiona **
- Wednesdays 8.00pm Open Level – Fiona **
- Thursdays 9.30am Open Level – Fiona **
- Thursdays 7.15pm Open Level – Ellen **
- Thursdays 8.15pm Restore Your Pelvic Floor Course (selected 5 week term dates. Next 3rd Oct) **
- Fridays 10.15am Open Level – Ellen
- Fridays 6.00pm Open Level – Fiona **
- Saturdays 10.00 Open Level – Fiona (with featuring rota guest teachers)
- Sundays 10.00 Open Level – Fiona/Ellen (with featuring rota guest teachers) **
Changes to staff status of work and how that may affect you
We have been through a period of review with our team surrounding IR35, employment and freelance contractor status and ways of working. Some of the team have made the personal decision to move from employment to freelance and as such this impacts how we and freelancers work to ensure they are not deemed as employed.
Whilst you don’t need to know the nitty gritty, it is helpful to know the overview and the following statements that apply:
- The main availability timetable will be with Fiona and Michelle as employed members of the team. There is scope for group and PT sessions 7 days a week. These are the sessions available for any existing members holding packs or memberships, and fall within our contractual agreements and terms and conditions.
- We recommend you sign up to a weekly class time that suits and get your weekly session times booked in. However please remember to cancel any session you cannot attend. We are struggling with some classes that appear full and we staff accordingly or bring in cover for, but then class numbers drop very late notice and it costs the company greatly.
- Group sessions mean 3 + people. We always try out best to run sessions regardless of profit, and please bear in mind we may have to cancel sessions with less and ask you to rebook or you can choose to pay for a private session.
- If you have existing 1:1.or Duet packs or memberships, please ensure you have agreed your regular slot and have had this booked in with Lisanne. This will be your ‘slot’ weekly for the number of sessions in your pack or membership quota. If you need to change a session one week, you can do so yourself on the app or website (or through Lisanne, Fiona or Michelle in person) to any alternative slot that may be left available. Please note it is not possible to offer an infinite number of extra slots as they may already been booked with other clients, so we strongly advise you to commit and stick to your regular session where possible.
If we need to move your session for any staff reason, we offer you all other slots available, or bring in additional freelance teachers if necessary. If we are unable to offer you a slot that works that week, we will add on one week extension to your pack for you to roll on and use later. - Please bear in mind to check your own app or website login to ensure what sessions you are booked in for. No month has 5 weeks but sometimes has say 5 Wednesdays and that may mean you have already used your 4 sessions membership quota and are not booked in. Also please check the expiry date of your packs and your membership ‘rolling month’ date so you know when you can use sessions. If you need any help with finding your way around the website login or app, we’d be happy to offer you complementary training support for your confidence.
- Please note that cancellations can only be made via the app or website login yourself or by speaking to a member of our team directly. We simply cannot staff 24/7 emails, phone, texts and social media accounts for this purpose.
Note that Lisanne is available on the desk only on a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning first thing. Outside of these times, please ensure you use your app or website login for changes. - If you are in a Duet relationship with another client, please can we remind you that it is your responsibility to work out any arrangements for when one of you cannot attend. What we find works best, is to agree one person attends for a solo session and the other person gets a solo session another time within that month to ensure it’s fair between you. We do not get involved in who owes what, when you swopped etc but we advise not to let them build up. If this is not the case for your Duet, please can we advise that you square things off before the end of the year.
- You may find some class or PT sessions have been changed to Michelle or Fiona. This is to ensure we can provide the most stability and maximal availability for you, our clients, as well as ensuring sustainability for the business as we control our increasing overheads.
- During certain seasonal weeks of the year, the teaching times of Michelle and Fiona may be adjusted to ensure the best consistency and availability whilst also allowing flexibility for other commitments and holidays for our team.
- We have further PT sessions available with Dawn and Ellen on various slots across the week but these are not openly visible for you to book yourself. They are not available for clients on membership when wishing to us the ‘swop’ benefit of your membership.
Times available are: - Ellen – Mondays 10.30am and 11.30am, Wednesdays 10.30am and 11.30am, Thursdays 6.15pm and 8.15pm, Fridays 9.15am, Sundays 9am (some Sundays across the year only)
- Dawn- Wednesdays 10.30am, 11.30am, 12.30pm, 1.30pm and 2.30pm
These times are available mainly for any new purchases clients may wish to make as and when you wish to make a booking. Therefore, if you decide you would like to buy a new purchase for a one off 1:1/Duet or a new pack of sessions (5 or 10) and would like to work with Dawn or Ellen at a time that is agreeable to you and their availability, please contact us to make the new booking. All communication, payment and booking all are handled through The Pilates Pod as clients of our studio. We make the bookings and hold the money on behalf of the teacher who invoice us for their time. - We know our freelancers well, they are great people and they won’t let you down. But we have a legal responsibility to make you aware of the following. Freelance teachers are independent contractors, we have no control over how and when they choose to work and time off they may take. It is the freelancer’s responsibility to provide a suitable replacement for their work with a teacher who is equally skilled, and whilst we will also be available to help get a session you want, it is less in our control and outside of any contractual obligations we have to provide for teaching which would otherwise be with our employed team. If the freelancer has found a replacement for their work and you do not agree with the replacement, we may not be able to guarantee a session can be found for you that week.
Timetable Changes
The following regular timetable changes take place from September. Of course, there are times due to staff holiday, sickness, training, personal leave or prior commitments, that we will make ad hoc adjustments to cover the regular teacher.
- Monday mornings: Fiona is now teaching the 9.30am Foundational Level Group. Michelle and Fiona are the main teachers available Monday mornings for 1:1’s, between 8.30am- 1.30pm, with some additional support from Ellen 10.30-1230
- Mondays evenings – Fiona is still teaching 6.15pm Open Level Group and private sessions is available only at 7.15pm.
- Tuesday mornings – Michelle is still teaching the Open Level 9.30am Group and is availabe for PT sessions around this between 8.30am -12.30pm.
- Wednesday mornings – Michelle is the main teacher in the morning between 10.30am-1.30pm. Ellen is still teaching the 9.30am Open Level Group and is additional support for PT’s between 10.130am-12.30, and Dawn also between 10.30am -2.30pm.
- Wednesday evenings – Fiona is still teaching 7.00pm Foundational Level Group and 8.00pm Open Level, with private sessions available at 5pm and 6pm.
- Thursday mornings – Fiona is still teaching 9.30am Open Level Group and private sessions available at 10.30am, 11.30am.
- Thursday evenings – Ellen is still teaching 7.15pm Open Level Group and private sessions available at 6.15pm and 8.15pm or 8.15pm Pelvic Floor Course.
- Friday mornings – Michelle is now teaching the 10.15am class, and available for private sessions 11.15am and 12.15pm, with some additional support from Ellen teaching private sessions at 9.15am.
- Friday evenings – Fiona is still teaching 6.00pm Open Level Group and private sessions available at 4pm and 5pm.
- Saturday mornings – Fiona is available for the group Open Level 10am and private sessions at 9am and 11am but for only certain weeks of the year. Guest teachers will be used for the other weeks.
- Sunday mornings – Fiona and Ellen are still teaching the group Open Level 10am and private sessions available at 9am and 11am, but for only certain weeks of the year. Guest teachers will be used for the other weeks.
How to use your app
Please download our app if you don’t have it. Just search for us in the Play store or Apple store.
This is the easiest way to buy sessions, book session, cancel, and check when you’re meant to be in.
If you need any help to find your way around using this, we would be pleased to help over zoom or in person with Lisanne, Fiona or Michelle.
The latest app will not automatically up date itself on your phone unless you have got your phone set to update apps automatically. So we suggest you uninstall and reinstall the app now to get the best up to date version!